A new site can be a fresh start for your business.

First impressions are lasting and many times, your company’s website is the first thing people will encounter when researching your business. Here are five reasons to consider updating your website:

  1. Your Website Is Outdated

In a recent study, 94% of participants said they would trust or mistrust a website based mainly on its design elements, rather than its content. 

Unattractive, outdated websites may come across as unprofessional to some viewers. While existing clients may love your company’s site, new clients are more likely to trust a fresh, attractive, and user-friendly design. 

One way to check whether your site may be deemed attractive or unattractive is by looking at Google Analytics to see how long viewers are staying on your site. Need help doing this? Shoot us an email or give us a call and we would be happy to walk you through the process!! 

  1. Improve SEO and Site Performance

Are you taking full advantage of Google Analytics on your site? Do you know which pages are most frequently visited, and for how long? Knowing this information allows you to make improvements and help with overall site performance and user experience. Both of these are great for SEO! 

In addition, a site redesign is the perfect time to review your onsite content from an SEO perspective. Think of it as an opportunity to review keyword placements, ensure your meta and title tags are optimized and following best practices! 

If you would like help auditing your site performance, user experience and SEO, let us know and we can help. 

  1. Your Current Website is Not Mobile Friendly

For most of our clients, more than 50% of traffic on their website is from mobile phones. Having a mobile friendly site is crucial for this reason alone! In addition, Google says 61% of users are unlikely to return to a mobile site they had trouble accessing and 40% visit a competitor’s site instead. 

A mobile responsive website is also important from an SEO perspective. In fact, mobile usability is listed as one of the top three most important ranking factors by Google. 

Not sure if your site is mobile-friendly?  Follow these instructions to find out. 

  1. Your Branding Could Use Some Love

Even small branding changes make a big impact for some companies. We recommend visiting your brand guidelines. Are they current and fresh? If so, do they match your website? 

In addition to the design perspective, think about your website’s content and messaging. Does it match the overall look and feel of your brand?

  1. Your Competitors’ Websites Are Superior to Yours

When we pitch digital marketing services to prospective clients, we always run a competitive audit to understand the landscape. Don’t skip on this when it comes to your website too! 

Take a few minutes each quarter to review your competitors branding and website. Put yourself in the shoes of a prospective client. Based on the look and feel of your competitor’s site, which business would you rather work with?

Overwhelmed by the thought of updating your site? Still not sure if you should redesign your website? Give us a call! We would be happy to review your website with you and help talk you through your options! 

If you are already in the process of redesigning your website, don’t forget about SEO