Your company logo is probably one of the first things you focused on when you began your business.

And also maybe one of the most important!

Your logo is one of the first things people will notice when they discover your company. A well thought out and executed logo has benefits, such as:

  • Reflects your total brand identity, giving people a quick sense of what you do and why
  • It can establish trust with your customers 
  • It will help you stand out from your competition

And, if done correctly, your logo is the first visual that should come to mind when people think about your business. 

Even still, companies change, new products are added, you may merge with another company. Design trends change and most importantly, your consumers change. Even the most recognizable logos need an update now and then. 

Still considering an update? Here are two reasons our intern, Katie Trifiletti, recommends you might want to go ahead with that brand refresh: 

1. Your Company is Evolving

Every business evolves over time. New services, products, and company missions are introduced, and other major changes take place. While these are all things to celebrate, is your logo evolving as well? 

As an added bonus, a logo redesign is the perfect way to begin a candid conversation with your customers about how your business has changed. 

2. Your Company is Growing

Even Amazon was small at one point, right? And in those early days, do you think Amazon was investing  time and energy into their logo? No way! As you grow, you will know in your heart when the right time is to invest in your logo and your brand. 

Similar to your website, your logo creates an immediate impression. 

While there is no definitive time when you should redesign your logo, you can probably figure out when it is time. Contact us to start a discussion or receive non-partial advice about your logo. 

Not ready to update your logo? No problem! We have access to hundreds of promotional items to help increase awareness of your beautiful logo and brand!